
We would love to hear from you. Whether you’re looking for more information on getting rid of chronic illness, have feedback, or simply want to connect, feel free to reach out.


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Frequently Asked Questions.

Most chronic diseases take years or decades to develop. Luckily it does not take as long to reverse them. Depending on how long you have been sick, and how much you are willing to do to improve your health, many people notice a difference in their symptoms in weeks or even days. Chronic disease can be reversed slowly over time. There will be ups and downs. You have to be consistent and do the work. But it does not have to be hard or overwhelming. As soon as you get started you might also start seeing some results. And that will help motivate you to go even further. When you learn why you have been sick, start seeing results and start believing that you can actually get rid of your symptoms, you can achieve amazing results in 6 months or a year. Considering how long you have had your symptoms – that is well worth the wait.

  1. Decide today that you want to take control of your health

  2. Subscribe to our newsletter to get the step-by-step guide to get started (legg inn link)

  3. Learn the reason why your body is struggling

  4. Start implementing the strategies to feel better. This involves diet changes, implementing more fruits and vegetables and eliminating trigger foods as much as you are able to or willing to (link til riktig artikkel)

  5. Expect ups and downs on your path to a healthier body. Getting rid of chronic disease is not a linear process and it does take time and patience. But you can get there!


Celebrate and track your progress! Spend your renewed energy wise and stay on track for the long run. You will never regret it


Maybe. It depends on what your favorite foods are, how often you eat them and what your symptoms and conditions are. Don´t let the fear stop you from getting started. The most important thing is to get started and have an open mind. Maybe your facvoriete dish can we served in a healthier way. Or maybe you will actually have a new favorite dish beforoe long. One thing is certain – nothing tastes as good as a healthy, functioning body, glowing skin, radiient anergy, robust nervous sysstem and a focused mind. Get started, and see where it could get you!

No. The way to achieve great health and get rid of chronic disease is normally not expensive treatments. Simple lifestyle and diet changes are the way to start and can get you a long way. We do not offer expensive treatments or products, but simply the proven strategies to get ridd of your symptoms –> check here.

No. Our information is free on our website. We offer additional support in our membership if you want to dive even deeper and receive more support and details.