How to get started in 5 easy steps

Do you want to get a healthier diet and finally get rid of your chronic disease? This article takes you through the critical steps to get started and to succeed. So many people have done it before you, and you can do it as well. We will help you feel your best again. 

1) Set a goal – where do you want to be in the future?

What is your goal? Do you want to feel better, reduce a symptom or get rid of a chronic condition? It has been done before, and you can do it too. 

Write down your goal (or goals) and stick it on your fridge or somewhere you can see it as often as possible. This will help you make better choices for your health throughout the day. 

2) Make a plan of action – What are you willing to do? 

Consider your starting point. Do you love fruits and salads or does this not appeal to you at all? Start with whatever change seems easier to you. Some people start out with one fruit a day. For others, it can be completely different depending on your starting point, your goal and your health. Consider how you can get more of the good hydration (coconut water, lemon water, fresh juices, herbal teas) in you on a daily basis, and how you can increase your intake of fruits and vegetables. 

There are endless ways to get a healthier diet. Some people dive right in there, changing their diet completely right away. What most people do however, and which is probably your safest best, is to change a little at a time. Consider what is easier for you, is it to change your morning habits, lunch habits or evening habits? Maybe it is to eat a fruit or vegetable before or after every meal. Anything to get you started. Once you get the habit, the taste for it and feel the difference it will be so much easier. 

Here are some more tips on ways to get the diet that gets rid of chronic disease.

3) Map out your support

This is critical. Who will support you on this journey? The people who can have support will normally have an easier way to go. But support is not always easy to find. You have to seek it out intentionally. Find the people that have your best interest in mind and that want to motivate you to keep on track with what you have decided. Find people that also know that more fruits and vegetables are good for your health, not people who will have you questioning if what you are doing is right. People are eating so unhealthy these days, that someone who wants to increase their intake of real food, fruits and vegetables can receive negative feedback from certain people. Find like minded people that can help you stay on your path.  

If you don´t know anyone you think will support you, hopefully you will find motivation in our newsletter and articless. Please reach out to us on our Instagram or other social media as well. has an amazing community for support and health information (monthly fee) for women who want to heal from chronic disease.  Support will help you get to where you want. 

4) One step at a time

For some it will be important to start easy. Especially if you are very sick or sensitive, we recommend starting out with a practitioner that really knows how to use foods to get better.

Normally it will take time. Some people see or feel the first results within weeks or even days. For others, it will be ups and downs for months until they see results. Nevertheless, stick with it. 

Your plan will change and adapt. At certain times you will feel more motivated – and do more, and at other times you will do less. And that´s ok. Let yourself have the time to adapt and feel comfortable with whatever change you want to make. Just because other people are doing it one way,  does not mean that way is right for you. Have compassion with yourself. 

5) Expect ups and downs

Know that you are doing the right thing for your body. It might seem overwhelming at times, but every week and month you will be more and more comfortable with what you are doing. Read more articles, try more recipes, read the stories of people who have been there and know that you can do the same. Get back on the horse if you fell off. Any healthy eating you do will benefit you. Even if you have a period where you are not able to eat what you planned, just know that the next meal or the next day or week can be better again. Don´t give up because something wasn´t perfect. What matters is that you try again and don´t give up. 

Getting rid of chronic disease is not a linear process. Many people have some relief shortly after getting started. Others will have to wait longer. Almost everyone will experience setbacks they do not completely understand or can connect to any specific trigger. This is normal. It takes time to get rid of chronic disease. But it is possible and you  can get there. 

We will be there every step of the way cheering for you and supporting you. We know you can do it. The results are waiting for you, and you deserve it. Go for it!