The secret answers to chronic disease


Have you been struggling with chronic disease for years? Have you tried everything, or are you just too tired or confused to try anything at all? This blog is here to help you try to navigate the confusing information out there and find the things that will actually help you get your health back.



Healthy after more than two decades of chronic disease

For more than two decades I was struggling with chronic disease. Like so many others, I thought this was just the way it had to be. I had asthma, eczema, psoriasis, chronic infections and was developing severe brain fog and fatigue. You can read more about my story here. No one told me I could get rid of my symptoms and get my life back. Doctors told me to reduce stress and reduce my responsibilities. I was offered several interventions that were expensive, ineffective and with horrible side effects. Nevertheless I thought, and was told, this was just the way it had to be. There was not really anything to do about it.  

Felt like I was doing something wrong

After my two first sons were born I was shocked to see that they were born with or developing the same autoimmune diseases that I had myself. But at a much earlier age than I had gotten them. Something told me that I, or we as a society, was doing something wrong that made the onset of these diseases appear earlier and earlier. Many in my family had had the same diseases, but their onset was even later in life than myself.

Is the human body supposed to be sick?

I took my children to several doctors, but they all said that there was nothing we could do other than accept the situation, apply cortisone creams and use other medications, and make the best out of life living with the symptoms. I could not accept the truth I was offered. It made no sense to me that this amazing human body on this amazing planet was supposed to struggle with so much illness at such an early age. 




Finding the most important information

Suddenly having more time than ever in my life due to the covid pandemic that completely set my business of 15 years on complete stop overnight, I dived whole hearted into all the literature I could find on health. I found that changing our food habits was a reasonable place to start. It made sense to me that something we do 3-8 times a day (eat something / put a substantial amount of food or food-like-substance into our body) would have an impact on how the body develops and fights off problems). I devoured book after book year after year after year. Implementing many of the strategies I found, I saw that some were helping, some seemed to help but later on turned out to be misleading, and some gave us nothing but added struggle and stress. But indeed I found out that what we eat, and our general lifestyle, determines more about our health than anyone lets us believe. 

Getting your body back month after month

In weeks and months after starting, my husband and I saw such improvement in our children’s health (a lifetime of rashes disappearing etc) that we simply could not stop. Another couple of months in, I started noticing improvement in my own health. And now, year after year I feel younger and better (I know I am not getting younger, but I feel and look better than ten years ago in so many ways). More free to live my life the way I want to without having to play my days and my childrens activities around chronic symptoms. 

We are told it is not possible, but it is

That’s nice, you think. But what about me? I don’t have the exact same symptoms and my doctors say this is genetic or due to xxx. Maybe you were just lucky, or maybe your symptoms are just gone temporarily. 

This is what we are all told. And it is so hard believing that we can actually be free of chronic symptoms that we might have been living with for a decade or for a lifetime. 

Thousands and millions of people get well

But what if I told you that thousands and millions of people have gotten rid of chronic symptoms? Maybe that would help you believe that you too, regardless of what some doctors or someone around you says, can get rid of your symptoms and get your health back. 

People from all over the world have gotten their lives back and freed themselves of different “incurable” diseases. What did they do?



Who is getting rid of chronic disease?

That’s why I set it as this blog’s purpose to find the true answers about getting rid of chronic disease. My story is a nice one, but if it was the only one, it couldn’t necessarily help you or anyone else. We are all different, have different bodies, are at different ages, live in different parts of the world, live with different amounts of stress etc. 

So I wanted and needed to dig deeper. Not just one story, or a hundred stories. I want to interview thousands of people that have gotten rid of chronic disease. And map and organize the factors to find the true answers that make people able to step out of chronic disease and get their lives back. 

Finding the information you need to get your health back

My goal is to inspire you along the way. To let you know that a life without chronic illness is possible, regardless of age or other conditions. It has been done before, it is being done all the time, and you can do the same.

I want to share stories of people healing and let you know the details of what they did to get rid of their symptoms. I want to collect information and tips about each condition in order to help people in the most effective way possible. 

My goal is that you, along with more and more people, can experience this wonderful sensation of feeling that the symptoms, conditions and diseases that have plagued you for years disappear and are being replaced with a new freedom to live your life the way you deserve. 

I hope you want to join me on this journey. 

Lots of love, Mie