9 effective habits to get rid of acne

The habits that will actually help you get rid of acne

At Ridgetter we strive to provide information that will actually help you. Not just a looks-nice-list of things to try, but things that have actually been tested and approved by other people in your situation. Read more about how we work to provide you with The secret answers to chronic disease that can actually turn your  life around. This article is for you if you are really serious about getting rid of acne for good and are willing to do the things that are required to get the results you want. We will be there, rooting for you and motivating you every step of the way. Other people have done it before, you can do it too! 


We know how it can feel

Dealing with acne is horrible. It can take a toll on you both physically and mentally. Often people have tried so many things and are just tired of hearing “just try this” or “just do that”. Dealing with acne is not easy for anyone. And if it was super easy to get rid of, no one would have it. The truth is it is not easy to get rid of, but it is possible. 

We´ve been there, and found a way out
When I was looking for answers to get rid of my chronic illness, I found it completely exhausting. So many sites will not give you what you are looking for and will write so many different things. It’s hard knowing what to believe in and many people become so overwhelmed with information that they get discouraged and don’t even know how to start. I had to learn it the hard way. You can read all about the years I spent to find the most effective ways to get rid of chronic symptoms.

Diving deep to find the most effective tools for you

At Ridgetter.com we dive deep to provide you with the answers to what actually helps people who are able to get rid of chronic conditions like acne, cystic acne, psoriasis, rosacea and other skin diseases. 

Having been deep in chronic illness myself, I know how devastating it can be. That’s why I want to collect and share the most effective habits for healing acne that we can find. So many people have done it before, and so can you. We are constantly interviewing people who managed to get rid of years of chronic acne to share their secrets with you.  

This article will identify the 7 most effective habits that will help you finally get rid of acne. 

Acne come from the inside

Guess what – in our list there isn’t a single cream, lotion, wash or oil. Not to say that those can not be beneficial to help the skin, they can, but they will not do anything to fix the core problem. And that is where we´re getting at. Skin issues come from within, and have to be addressed that way. And how do we get inside our bodies to fix the skin.. We don’t. But our food does. Several times a day. So what we put in our mouths is what will determine if our skin gets what it needs to clear up. 

The best way to use this information

The list can seem overwhelming, but do not worry. No one is perfect. No one looks at this list and goes “OK, great I’ll do all that starting today”. Or maybe someone says that, but that is rarely the case. Most people have to get familiar with this and need TIME to adjust. So what we suggest is taking a look at this information and getting familiar with it. Print it out and hang it on your fridge, save this page and of course don’t hesitate to contact us if you have any questions. We recommend picking the one-three habits that look easiest to accomplish for you and start there. Some people have no problem eliminating a certain food, but for others it can seem completely impossible and make you want to skip the list altogether. Don´t do that! Start with whatever sounds the most appealing to you. And just get going. You will not regret it and your whole body will thank you.  

The article contains affiliate links so that we can earn a small commission if anyone chooses to  use the links we provide to pure and helpful products. This makes us able to make this information free and available to everyone. You don’t have to buy anything of course, this is just our recommendation and the products we truly love and use ourselves. 

Ok, let’s get rid of that acne!

  1. Getting hydrated

Yes, I know. Obviously. Everyone knows this one. But we still keep it here for a reason. Because it is just THAT important. Hydration is so critical to all the body’s system, that without proper hydration the skin cannot heal properly. 

So let’s get down to the best possible way to hydrate. And that is to start your day with it. When you wake up, make yourself 16-32 oz (0,5-1 L) of cold or room temperature lemon water (not hot, no matter what people say). You can  also use limes. Don´t go crazy and mix stuff into it. Keep it pure. No collagen powder, fish oil, apple cider vinegar or other stuff that is best kept out of your getting-rid-of-acne-diet-plan all together anyway, more on that in another blog post). You can mix some pure honey into it, but nothing else. Half a lemon for 16 oz and a full lemon for 32 oz of water. 

Drink the lemon water on an empty stomach. Wait 30 minutes before you have anything else (ideally a bowl of fruit or oatmeal for breakfast after). 

Your body needs hydration during the day as well. So ideally you make another lemon water in the evening or one hour before you go to bed. Coconut water is also a great option, but more expensive. Keep hydrated during the day with water or pure fruit juice. 

(keep out green and black teas and dehydrating beverages, cacao and coffee if you can – I know that is a hard one. Reducing it will also help). 

Many of us will have to make up for years of chronic dehydration (I know I had to), so make this routine a habit and stick with it. Your body will always benefit from this lovely way of cleaning our system in the morning and throughout the day. Enjoy! 

Pro tip: Add an extra 16-32 oz (0,5-1 L) of juice from apples, cucumber or a mix of those two to your daily routine. Or whenever you have the chance. Juice from fresh fruits and vegetables are so beneficial for the skin. Don´t do anything crazy like beetroot juice or something else, stick with the suggestions mentioned here to get the best results. 

If you are into tea, or if you are open to trying to change your coffee or cacao-habits in a more getting-rid-of-acne-kind-of-direction, change it out for teas that will support your immune system and skin. Good options are thyme tea or thyme water, lemon balm tea and olive leaf tea. 

Bonus habits: 

Aloe water will also do wonders to getting rid of acne. Simply mix one inch of aloe with water in a blender and drink it once a day, or a couple of times a week. 


2. Reduce or eliminate eggs

You hate eggs? 

Good for you. Continue to keep them out of your diet regardless of the huge trend and influencers trying to promote them as the food of the millennia. Stay strong and continue to the next section of this article. 

You love eggs? 

Then I´m SO sorry to break this to you. Truly. And I understand completely if you don’t even believe me. If we only wanted clicks and friends here on Ridgetter.com, we would never put this in here. It would be so much easier to leave it out. But that is not why we started this blog. So here goes. 

For everyone who loves eggs, the thought of them contributing anything bad is unbearable. So most people just refuse to believe it all together. But please, keep reading. And for the sake of your health, try to be open minded. If you don’t find it helpful to reduce eggs over a few months or longer, you can always include them in your diet again. Remember that we have the same goal – you getting rid of acne and chronic symptoms. And when it comes down to healing the skin, reducing (or at best eliminating) eggs is critical. Ah, I know. 

So how on earth should we do that? It seems too hard to even deal with. But bear with me. It is not as bad as it seems. Our experience is that it helps to think of it like this: can I reduce some eggs in my diet? Maybe you put them in your smoothie just because you heard that it is healthy but you don’t even love the taste of it. Great, then just don’t anymore. That’s one egg out. Maybe you use eggs in pancakes to keep the pancakes together? Try banana pancakes instead, they are delicious and so beneficial for getting rid of acne. Maybe you have eggs for breakfast? Ok, could you have one egg instead of two? Or have it every other day and not every day? And continue to look for other breakfast options that you actually love after a while. Habits are changeable, and if you look for newer, more beneficial habits, you will find them. And sooner than you think, you will actually love them. When I reduced eggs, I didn’t even really try to reduce them. That didn’t make sense, so I´ĺl try to explain. I kept eggs in my diet for months until all of a sudden (when not having had them as much anymore and not for a while), I actually noticed that I didn’t miss the taste of it anymore. When I ate the omelet I was looking forward to, it just didnt taste as good as before and I found myself craving my beloved avocado toast instead. So many other things that I had learned to love were just so much more delicious to my fashionable “new” taste buds. This will not happen to everyone, all of us have such a unique experience, traditions and connections with food that I will not even begin to talk about it. So no matter where you are, we understand and support you. If all you can do is cut out a few eggs here and there, then that is also great. Do what you are comfortable with, what you are able to, how you feel after a while and see how it goes from there. Now you know that it dos not contribute to getting rid of acne, and the decision is totally up to you. Maybe you start with some other habits from this list and are happy enough with the results.



 3. Reduce or eliminate milk

Even though milk (read: cheese!) is also a really tough one, at least it is more commonly known that it can trigger chronic conditions. And in many ways it is much easier to replace than eggs. 

Milk is one of the most common allergies, and even though you don’t have an allergy towards it, you are better off skipping it. Many people see results quite fast after eliminating milk. But it  sneaks into so many products, to take a real look in your refrigerator and at what you are eating out to try to fint healthier options. Pure oat milk is a good replacement (not the same taste, but serves the same function in many recipes). Coconut milk, almond milk or other nut milks can also be used in hot drinks and recipes. Test them out to find your favorites. I was surprised how many situations I could just skip milk all together for the very affordable and healthy option: water! So keep an open mind and see where it takes you. 

Many people are seriously addicted to cheese though, and it is really a hard one. So unless you’re like: no problem, I’ll skip milk and cheese, I would recommend just reducing it and keeping it in your diet for special occasions. Many people experience that when they have been without dairy products for a while, they will see a flare up when they include it in their diet again. And that may give you just the motivation you need to stay off a little bit longer. 

If you just completely hate our guts for saying that these wonderful, nutritionally dense, natural products unfortunately in our day and age are contributing to our declining health, then we totally understand. And we hope you will still benefit from the other tips in this article. Food is such a personal topic and people are (for good reasons) so full of feelings about it. We respect that and we would never criticize anyone for their food or lifestyle choices.


4. Reduce or eliminate gluten

Ah, wow! Will this list never end? Will it take all joy out of life? We totally understand if that is the way you feel. 

Nevertheless, we have to give it to you straight. You want to get rid of acne, that’s why you are here and that’s what this list will help you accomplish. Give it a try, you will not regret it. 

There is a reason that you will see more and more gluten free options everywhere as each year passes. More and more people are discovering that they do better without gluten. No matter if they have a diagnosed intolerance or not, they feel it in their joints, on their immune system, on their aces and pains and on their skin. Our bodies just do better without gluten. It is inflammatory. Of course, for those with Celiac or a gluten sensitivity it is detrimental to eat gluten, but you will find that whether you have a diagnosed intolerance or not – you will do better without gluten both short term and long term. 

Gluten has a huge fan base for obvious reasons. It has great baking properties, wonderful taste and is versatile and cheap. The industry also loves it because it is easy to produce and can be used in so many ways. For that reason, when trying to reduce or eliminate it, you need to start reading labels. The amount of foods containing gluten is enormous. From soy sauce to “oat cookies”. Many products that are marketed as “quinoa” or “millet” actually contain more wheat  (gluten) than anything else. 

Many people talk about whole grain being better than white flour, and yes that is so true. But SO much more beneficial (and crucial to getting rid of acne) is to cut it out all together. Some people claim that spelt or other ancient grains give them less symptoms. But when it comes to acne and chronic illness, no gluten is the absolute best strategy. 

These days, there are more and more gluten free options. Search for recipes and try to find other options for your diet. 

And like anything else, start slow and see where it takes you. Unless you feel like gluten is no big deal to eliminate, be kind to yourself and take one step at a time. Give yourself time to find better options and new favorites. 

5. Eat tons of fruits

Finally over to the happy part of the list! What to eat MORE of! You might think that this list is very restrictive, and I agree, I also felt that way in the beginning. But considering that there are over 50.000 edible plants on this planet, many people get the feeling that this way of eating isn’t restrictive at all after a while (living with symptoms is what is really restricting us). Your world might open up to so many new and wonderful things to eat. Ant reestablishing your relationship with fruits will be a wonderful place to start. 

And we are not talking about eating a little fresh fruit here and there, we are talking about making it a staple in your diet. Eating whole meals that are just fruit (not all of your meals, but some). Or eating LOTS of fruit in addition to whatever else you fill your diet with. You will find wonderful recipes here on our site to get started. 

The queen of miracle foods for the skin is papaya. Squeeze a lime over it and it will have the most amazing taste. Or eat it however you want. It truly does wonders for the skin. If you can’t find it, or afford it, do not worry. There are so many other beneficial fruits out there. 

Bananas are your new best friend. Not only are they tasty and filling, but they can be used in so much. Our favorite is banana pancakes and smoothies. If you can’t stand or access bananas, mangoes are a great option (not for the pancakes though). Eat several bananas a day, but start out slow if you want. The goal is to eat so much more fruit than you ever thought you would. It will help you get your smooth and glowing skin back, in addition to healing scars (this takes years, just be patient and keep up the good work). 

Go nuts, eat apples, pears, oranges, melons or whatever other fruit you enjoy. As much as possible several times a day. This will give the body the nutrients and antioxidants (and so much more!) that it needs to fight off acne over time. Get in there! 


6. Eat blueberries everyday

Mmmmmm. Blueberries. Isn’t it amazing that something so tasty will actually help you get rid of acne? There are so many treats to make with blueberries. The trick is to eat enough of them. 

Blueberries are among the most antioxidant rich foods on the planet. The problem is that if anyone is eating them, they are eating only a small handful once in a while, a few blueberries in a muffin and/or they are eating the blueberries that are white inside. We are talking about the BLUE blueberries that stain your clothes. These are the once that will help you get rid of acne. 

The secret to getting enough blueberries in your diet to make a real difference in getting rid of acne is: smoothies. You ideally need a cup or two of blueberries a day, or even more if you want to. Blueberries are delicious in a berry/banana smoothie. Frozen blueberries are more affordable and just as effective as fresh ones. Just make sure they are the wild ones, all blue inside. Fill the freezer and enjoy! Our favourite blueberry smoothie for healing acne. 

If you don’t like blueberries, even in smoothies, try getting used to enjoying blueberry juice in some way. You can make wonderful beverages that are so full of antioxidants and will help you on your getting rid of acne journey. Blueberry juice for getting rid of acne Blueberry powder is also a great option. Here is the best one: Vimergy blueberry powder.

7. Beware of corn and soy

When reducing eggs, milk and gluten, watch out so that soy and corn doesn´t take its place instead. The most important is definitely reducing eggs, milk and gluten. But when doing that, it is really easy to stuff oneself with corn and soy instead. And they don’t make getting rid of acne any easier. Many of the milk/egg/gluten-free substitutes and alternatives for ready made products in the shop are made of soy and corn which unfortunately does no good for acne (you will find a lot of studies showing that soy decreases inflammation, but that depends what you compare it to. Yes, soy is more beneficial than wheat or eggs. But it is all a scale. If you compare eating soy to eating real anti-inflammatory foods, you will see that you will do better without soy altogether. 

Try to fill as much of your diet as possible with the true anti-inflammatory foods: fruits, berries and vegetables, even starchy vegetables like potatoes and sweet potatoes are so beneficial. Lentils and other beans can substitute soy for any purpose, you can even make tofu out of chickpeas if that is something you need to have in your diet on a regular basis. 

Corn is a sneaky one, because it is in anything. But if you manage to reduce eggs, milk and/or gluten, you have come such a long way. Just don’t dig in on corn flakes or corn pasta if you  don’t have to. We have to include corn and soy in this list, because many people need to reduce or eliminate them as well in order to get rid of acne. But start at the top of the list and see what you can do. Just by reading as far as this in this article you are doing such a good job. We are rooting for you!

8. Skip pork and canola oil

If it isn’t too hard for you, skipping pork will have huge benefits. Pork increases inflammation in the body and does nothing good for acne. There are so many other good options if you are into eating meat.

Canola oil is hard to eliminate if you are into processed foods. But if you can, try to reduce it. Use olive oil in foods, rather than canola oil. Canola is the cheapest one, therefore it is also used in so many processed foods. It can sit on the shelf forever and is really versatile, but it is best to try to limit it in your diet. Many people see, after eliminating or reducing canola oil, that it can act as a real trigger to acne. This experience might help you to stay away from it. It is all a process and many times we have to experience what we read for ourselves in order to truly believe it. Our hope is that you are willing to give it a try. 

We know this is a long list and want to remind you to keep your goal in mind. What you want to do is get rid of your acne. If it was super easy, you wouldn’t see that many people dealing with it. It isn’t easy. But it is doable. And you can do it. But you have to start. Keeping the diet that you had for years will not change anything. It might even slowly make things worse. So give it a shot. Pick the items on the list that you find it encouraging to start with. No one does it all at one time. For most of the people who got rid of acne, changing their diet was a process over months and years. But so many of them came to truly love it in the process. You can get there too.


9. Take the right herbs and supplements

Even the person on the most healthy diet will benefit from the right supplements. We highly recommend starting with a pure and good quality Zinc and Vitamin C supplement. 

Unfortunately, so many supplements have harmful additives or terrible quality (a vitamin or mineral is not of the same quality even though it has the same name on the label. They can also be very differently absorbed in the body). You want to be looking for a really  clean, high quality product. 

Vimergy is the brand that I am using myself after having been looking for the cleanest brand for years and years and years. Vimergy´s products are of the highest quality and are super pure. No harmful ingredients or additives. This is what I buy myself, and give to my kids and friends. It gives you a huge boost in fighting acne and other stubborn symptoms and skin conditions. 

Too expensive? I totally get it. But remember that price and quality often (not always) go together. It can be better to buy one really good quality product once in a while, rather than using a cheaper low quality product every day. Or put it on your wishlist. This is an investment in yourself and your future.

For getting rid of acne these supplements are also so helpful: Goldenseal, Lemon Balm, B12, Olive Leaf, Cat’s Claw. Get them from Vimergy or another really clean and high quality brand without harmful additives. Lemon Balm tea is also a great option. 

On the other side, the wrong supplements can be harmful for acne, so stick to the list if you want to try supplements, and don´t fall for trendy traps.


The number 10 – bonus tips for getting rid of acne as soon as possible is:


10. Try out celery juice

Definitely not for everyone, but it puts you on the fast track for getting rid of acne. It is so effective that if you don’t even want to try anything else, try this one. Many people think it is just a trend, and yes, right now it is actually a huge trend. But for a really good reason. Celebrities, models and so many others swear by it to look and feel their best. But more importantly, so many of the people we interviewed here at Ridgetter.com have cleared acne with the help of celery juice. And the list of people getting rid of acne with celery juice is growing every day.

Not everyone is up for it, and that is totally understandable. You don´t drink it because it tastes amazing (not for most people anyway). You drink it because the effects are unbelievable. It takes 5-10 minutes to make, and you often need to stick with it for quite some time to see results, but if you have stubborn acne, cystic acne or have had any variation of acne for a long period of time, this tip might be the most important one just for you. Read everything about How to get started with celery juice before you start, because it is really crucial to do it in the right way for it to work(!!). If you are in this for the long run, and really want to improve your health dramatically, we would recommend getting an Omega Juicer. That will give you the best possible celery juice, but also so many other fruit juices to improve your skin and health. 

If you want to test it out, and don’t have as much money to spend, get a used juicer or even a blender online (blending the celery and then strain it before drinking!)


Ok, so you know the list now. Congratulations! Let’s get started.

Most people will never know where to even begin. Now you know what has helped so many other people, and you can sit down and get familiar with the content to see how you  can start implementing some of it in your life. 

Getting rid of acne is hard work, and many people will not understand what you are doing or why. (how to keep the motivation to stay on your path to better health). If you have a family member or close friend you know will support you, include them in what you want to do. Set å timeline, let’s say you want to try this for a month, or two or three. Getting rid of acne can happen in a couple of months, but it can also take much longer depending on the severity of your condition and many other factors such as stress, sleep etc. But after a few months most people get a feeling that this is helping them. And then it is so much easier to take the next step. 

Find some inspiring accounts to follow on Instagram that will support you and motivate you. We recommend Ridgetter.com (of course) and Facesbykatey. If you need personal assistance and motivation she is a wonderful person and a true expert in helping people get rid of acne. 

The last but not least, important habit or skill you will need to have is patience. Your skin works in cycles, meaning that it will normally take weeks and months until you see results. Setbacks and flare ups are a part of the journey to get rid of acne. It will almost certainly happen. But stick with it and you will see the results. You can get there. It is possible to be free of acne even if you had it for years or even longer. 

We believe in you and we are so happy that you read this article. Have patience. Have faith. Stay on track and call out if you need a helping hand or motivation. We will be there with you on your journey. Please share your experience and thoughts below and let us know if you have any more questions. 

Happy ridgetting!